Bioinfomatics and Computational Biology
- Marco Masseroli (
- Floor 1, DEIB building 20, Leonardo, office 055
- tel.: 02 - 2399 3553
- [people/alphabetic list/…]
- Silvia Cascianelli (
The course aims to illustrate how computer science principles, technologies, methods and instruments can be profitably used for the computational analysis, information content increment and interpretation of biological data produced by genome sequencing, gene expression measurements, proteomics and cellular metabolic flow quantifications.
Suggested Reading
- A.M. Lesk. Introduction to Bioinformatics. 4th edition. Oxford Press, 2014.
- P.M. Selzer, R.J. Marhöfer, A. Rohwer. Applied bioinformatics: An introduction. 2nd edition. Springer. 2018.
- M. Helmer Citterich, F. Ferrè, G. Pavesi, G. Pesole, C. Romualdi, Fondamenti di bioinformatica, Editore: Zanichelli, 2018.
- A.A. Lizabeth. Fundamental molecular biology. Blackwell, 2007. Fondamenti di biologia molecolare. Zanichelli, 2008.
- D.W. Ross. Introduction to molecular medicine. 3rd edition. Springer, 2002.
- P. Pilegi, G. Braccini. Biologia della cellula. Edizioni Bignami, 2005.